Memorial Day 2013 proved to be the busiest one in memory for Camp 22. Our members participated in six official ceremonies, from Gridley to Fresno, and points in between!

Biggs-Gridley Cemetery
Past Camp Commander Owen Stiles represented Camp 22 in a ceremony at the Gridley-Biggs Cemetery in Gridley, California. The Gridley-Biggs Cemetery is located on 31 acres at 2023 Highway 99, just north of Gridley.
In excess of 10,000 people are buried at the cemetery, with the oldest tomb stone dating back to 1855.
The town of Gridley was named after its founder and earliest landowner, George W. Gridley. He was born in the state of New York and later moved with his parents to Galena, Illinois. In 1850 (1850 census shows him living in Sacramento without his family), he attempted to drive sheep and cattle across the plains to California. He lost the animals, but arrived safely himself and settled in this area. (from Wikipedia)
Citrus Heights
Several members of Camp 22 participated in a Memorial Ceremony at Sylvan Cemetery in Citrus Heights, California. The ceremony was conducted by the American Legion, with participation by the SUVCW, the Citrus Heights Police Department, the Sons of the American Revolution, and several city officials. The large crowd at this event saw a moving, memorable ceremony presided over by Camp 22’s own Jim Monteton, along with Camp 22 Chaplain Steve Bogart. Both are also members of the American Legion.

(L-R) Jon Henry, Greg Tracy, Mike Drouin at Sylvan Cemetery
In what is proving to be a popular feature of this event, veterans, descendants of veterans and history portrayers representing every era in US military history, paraded through the cemetery. The parade stopped at designated monuments for a remembrance prayer about each major war in US history. The parade concluded at the pavilion, where the audience is encircled by people in various military uniforms from the Revolutionary War up to the present day active.
A new feature at the ceremony this year was a recitation of names of veterans who have given their lives in defense of our freedom. Family members and friends of veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice were invited to stand and speak the names of their departed heroes , along with the circumstances of their sacrifice. This was the most moving tribute of the day, and those who were named will not be forgotten.
Other Camp 22 members present at this ceremony included Don Wilt and Jack Alcione (Civil War), Greg Tracy (Spanish-American War), Jon Henry and Mike Drouin (present day USN and USMC), and Alan Brooking.

Union Marker placed on monument in Fresno
Past Commander-in-Chief Brad Schall represented the SUVCW at the dedication of a joint Union and Confederate monument in Fresno, California. The ceremony was also attended by Michael Givens, the Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Camp 22’s Mike Drouin was the color guard at the “Let Freedom Ring” concert in Sacramento. The concert was presented by Camerata California with the Camellia Symphony and the young professional musicians of the VITA Academy Teaching Artist Learning Community. The concert featured music remembering Abraham Lincoln and others who have sacrificed in the cause of freedom.
Mike had an especially busy weekend: he also stood watch as an Honor Guard at the Dignity Memorial – a traveling replica of the Vietnam Memorial – at Mt. Vernon Cemetery.

Honor Guard members Greg Tracy (left) and Mike Drouin at the G.A.R. Monument in Old City Cemetery
Finally, Camp 22 held our own Memorial Ceremony at the G. A. R. Monument in the historic Old City Cemetery. The ceremony was the first SUVCW event held at the cemetery for a number of years, and marks the return of stewardship of the monument and veterans’ grave sites to the SUVCW. Camp 22’s Honor Guard presented the colors, and a brief ceremony was conducted by Chaplain Steve Bogart and Camp Commander Jon Henry.
In all, it was a remarkable weekend for the Camp. With two of the events (Sylvan and Old City Cemetery) happening just hour apart, several of our members got to practice getting into and out of various uniforms quickly, and in total, we probably logged thousands of road miles. Every moment was worth the effort, though. We hope to be even busier next year!